Motivation ITS.Kompetent

The lack of IT security (ITS) skills among employees is a key weakness in defense of cyber-attacks. Although there is already a basic awareness of the relevance of ITS competencies in many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), a noticeable gap in the implementation of ITS training measures can be identified. The challenges are not only that these are costly. Rather, SMEs lack transparency regarding their specific ITS qualification needs. This lack of transparency leads to two problems: either the specific ITS qualification needs of SMEs are missed or ITS training measures are not implemented at all.

Lack of

Missing ITS-Qualifications

Training Measures

Lack of

Vision ITS.Kompetent

The goal of the project is to develop the online-supported ITS diagnostic tool „ITS.kompetent“. ITS.kompetent enables the identification of SME-specific ITS qualification needs through a job profile comparison and the subsequent selection of ITS training offers that are a perfect fit. With the help of ITS.kompetent, SMEs gain transparency with regard to the three questions:
Welche ITS-Kompetenzen werden bei welchen Mitarbeiter:innen benötigt (Was?), wo liegt der berufsspezifische und unternehmensübergreifende ITS-Qualifizierungsbedarf (Wo?) und wie können die fehlenden Kompetenzen effektiv etabliert werden (Wie?). Damit trägt ITS.kompetent entscheidend dazu bei, KMUs über potenzielle Gefahren bezüglich des sicherheitsrelevanten Verhaltens der Mitarbeiter:innen aufzuklären und das ITS-Niveau in KMUs langfristig zu steigern.




Our Approach

The competencies of employees must be taken into account to plan and implement safety measures efficiently.


Das Projekt ITS.kompetent unterstützt KMUs dabei, die Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter:innen im Bereich der Informationstechnischen Sicherheit (ITS-Kompetenzen) realitätsnah zu messen und mit den berufsbezogenen Anforderungen abzugleichen. Mit Hilfe von ITS.kompetent können KMUs ihren unternehmensspezifischen Qualifizierungsbedarf ermitteln und geeignete Schulungsangebote ausarbeiten. Dazu wird ein online-gestütztes ITS-Analysetool mit Hilfe von wissenschaftlichen Methoden entwickelt und den KMUs zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Tool integriert Anforderungen, Methoden zur Kompetenzmessung und Vorschläge für Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. Somit wird ein anwenderfreundliches ITS-Instrument entwickelt, das sowohl auf einer wissenschaftlichen Messung von ITS-Kompetenzen basiert als auch im Unternehmenskontext eingesetzt werden kann.

Circle of ITS.Kompetent

Benefits for SMEs

As part of the ITS.kompetent project, an online-supported measurement tool is being developed that enables SME management to effectively identify specific ITS qualification needs by means of profile matching. This allows SMEs to identify existing ITS qualification gaps and select specific ITS training measures for this purpose. The following building blocks are planned in the project for the implementation of ITS.kompetent: ITS competence facets and requirement profiles, instruments for ITS competence measurement, ITS training offers, online-supported tool for ITS competence measurement (see Figure 2). With the help of these building blocks, the following superordinate goals ought to be achieved:

Development of ITS competence facets and ITS requirement profiles

The goal is to enable SMEs to identify their job-specific ITS competence requirements (ITS competence target).

Development of instruments for ITS competence measurement

The goal is to enable SMEs to determine the current development state of employee competencies (Actual ITS competence).

Development of an ITS competence target/actual comparison and matching procedure with the ITS offering

The goal is to enable SMEs to identify ITS qualification needs and effectively address them with ITS training programs.

Entwicklung eines online-gestützten Tools zu ITS-Kompetenzmessung

The goal is to enable SMEs to independently and resource-efficiently perform competence measurement and ITS training selection to increase the IT security level.

Project Partners

The ITS.Kompetent Team

Chair of Information Security and Compliance

Chair of Information Management 

Chair of
Business Education 

Contact Information

Chair of Information Security and Compliance
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
